The communication technology I would like to discuss on this blog is video game consoles. Video game quality has evolved very much, the first consoles were created in the 1960s. Consoles have evolved throughout time to the current consoles we have now a days.

Ralph Baer, who is referred to as the Father of Video Games invented the Brown Box, which was a prototype multi-program video game which could be played on a television. As discussed in our class lectures, it is enabling factors such as, better processors which give video games the ability to look and feel more realistic. With these enabling factors we fast forward through time to 2016; Sony releases the Playstation 4 Pro, capable of 4K output.

One would think with the amazing quality that video game consoles currently have, there’s not much more that the industry can do to better our experience. Company’s such as Sony and Microsoft are currently working on virtual reality gaming which would change the gaming experience for us consumers.
Image result for virtual reality games


  1. I’ve been playing video games for almost my whole life, and it’s crazy to look back on some of the older consoles. In just the last decade there have been serious improvements in the technology. VR is definitely the next step in game evolution, and they have been making huge strides with that. I’m just excited to see where the industry goes from here.

    -Rylan Wukasch

  2. I’ve watched my brother play video games my whole life, I have to agree it’s crazy how much it has evolved over time to make the experience better for the consumer. I played a video game that was virtual reality and it was so realistic. I’m excited to see what’s to come in the future!
    -Julia Mellon

  3. Reading your post I can tell this is a topic of passion for you; which makes it much more interesting for a person, such as myself, that does not have the same passion. The first vide game console I ever owned was the Wii, and while I very much enjoyed that for a time, I don't imagine myself ever investing more money into a different system; but I am happy for those excited too see improvements in things they enjoy.

    -Emily Ramos


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